This assignment is required for graduate students and will count as extra credit for undergraduate students. For undergraduate students it will count as an extra homework grade.
Due: Friday 2020-04-24 at 11:59pm
Create your own GitHub repository. (Don’t know how to do this? check out
Add me (@LucyMcGowan) as a collaborator to your respository. To do this once you have created your repo, on GitHub click Settings, then Manage Access on the left bar. Then click the green button that says Invite teams or people. Type @LucyMcGowan in the dialogue box to add me.
Pull this project into RStudio
In the repo, click on the green Clone or download button, select Use HTTPS. Click on the clipboard icon to copy the repo URL.
If using RStudio Cloud, go to RStudio Cloud and into the course workspace. Create a New Project from Git Repo. You will need to click on the down arrow next to the New Project button to see this option.
If using RStudio Pro, create a new project by clicking File > New Project Then click Version Control and Git/Github.
Copy and paste the URL of your assignment repo into the dialog box.
Hit OK, and you’re good to go!
Create your starter files. You should start with at least a .Rmd file to do your assignment.
Find a dataset that interests you (Kaggle is a good resource to find some data!). Come up with a prediction question. Apply one of the techniques we have learned in this class to this dataset to answer your question. Your analysis should include:
Complete this assignment in a .Rmd file that includes all code. In addition, write a paragraph describing your methods and what you found.