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Logistic regression, LDA, QDA

Dr. D’Agostino McGowan

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☝️ Reminders

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📖 Canvas

  • use Google Chrome
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  • Last class we had a linear regression refresher
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  • Last class we had a linear regression refresher
  • We covered how to write a linear model in matrix form
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  • Last class we had a linear regression refresher
  • We covered how to write a linear model in matrix form
  • We learned how to minimize RSS to calculate ˆβ with (XTX)1XTy
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  • Last class we had a linear regression refresher
  • We covered how to write a linear model in matrix form
  • We learned how to minimize RSS to calculate ˆβ with (XTX)1XTy
  • Linear regression is a great tool when we have a continuous outcome
  • We are going to learn some fancy ways to do even better in the future
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What are some examples of classification problems?

  • Qualitative response variable in an unordered set, C
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What are some examples of classification problems?

  • Qualitative response variable in an unordered set, C
    • eye color {blue, brown, green}
    • email {spam, not spam}
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What are some examples of classification problems?

  • Qualitative response variable in an unordered set, C
    • eye color {blue, brown, green}
    • email {spam, not spam}
  • Response, Y takes on values in C
  • Predictors are a vector, X
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What are some examples of classification problems?

  • Qualitative response variable in an unordered set, C
    • eye color {blue, brown, green}
    • email {spam, not spam}
  • Response, Y takes on values in C
  • Predictors are a vector, X
  • The task: build a function C(X) that takes X and predicts Y, C(X)C
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What are some examples of classification problems?

  • Qualitative response variable in an unordered set, C
    • eye color {blue, brown, green}
    • email {spam, not spam}
  • Response, Y takes on values in C
  • Predictors are a vector, X
  • The task: build a function C(X) that takes X and predicts Y, C(X)C
  • Many times we are actually more interested in the probabilities that X belongs to each category in C
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Example: Credit card default

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Can we use linear regression?

We can code Default as

Y={0if No1if Yes Can we fit a linear regression of Y on X and classify as Yes if ˆY>0.5?

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Can we use linear regression?

We can code Default as

Y={0if No1if Yes Can we fit a linear regression of Y on X and classify as Yes if ˆY>0.5?

  • In this case of a binary outcome, linear regression is okay (it is equivalent to linear discriminant analysis, we'll get to that soon!)
  • E[Y|X=x]=P(Y=1|X=x), so it seems like this is a pretty good idea!
  • The problem: Linear regression can produce probabilities less than 0 or greater than 1 😱
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Can we use linear regression?

We can code Default as

Y={0if No1if Yes Can we fit a linear regression of Y on X and classify as Yes if ˆY>0.5?

  • In this case of a binary outcome, linear regression is okay (it is equivalent to linear discriminant analysis, we'll get to that soon!)
  • E[Y|X=x]=P(Y=1|X=x), so it seems like this is a pretty good idea!
  • The problem: Linear regression can produce probabilities less than 0 or greater than 1 😱

    What may do a better job?

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Can we use linear regression?

We can code Default as

Y={0if No1if Yes Can we fit a linear regression of Y on X and classify as Yes if ˆY>0.5?

  • In this case of a binary outcome, linear regression is okay (it is equivalent to linear discriminant analysis, we'll get to that soon!)
  • E[Y|X=x]=P(Y=1|X=x), so it seems like this is a pretty good idea!
  • The problem: Linear regression can produce probabilities less than 0 or greater than 1 😱

    What may do a better job?

  • Logistic regression!
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Linear versus logistic regression

Which does a better job at predicting the probability of default?

  • The orange marks represent the response Y{0,1}
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Linear Regression

What if we have >2 possible outcomes? For example, someone comes to the emergency room and we need to classify them according to their symptoms

Y={1if stroke2if drug overdose3if epileptic seizure

What could go wrong here?

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Linear Regression

What if we have >2 possible outcomes? For example, someone comes to the emergency room and we need to classify them according to their symptoms

Y={1if stroke2if drug overdose3if epileptic seizure

What could go wrong here?

  • The coding implies an ordering
  • The coding implies equal spacing (that is the difference between stroke and drug overdose is the same as drug overdose and epileptic seizure)
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Linear Regression

What if we have >2 possible outcomes? For example, someone comes to the emergency room and we need to classify them according to their symptoms

Y={1if stroke2if drug overdose3if epileptic seizure

  • Linear regression is not appropriate here
  • Mutliclass logistic regression or discriminant analysis are more appropriate
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Logistic Regression


  • Note: p(X) is shorthand for P(Y=1|X)
  • No matter what values β0, β1, or X take p(X) will always be between 0 and 1
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Logistic Regression


  • Note: p(X) is shorthand for P(Y=1|X)
  • No matter what values β0, β1, or X take p(X) will always be between 0 and 1
  • We can rearrange this into the following form: log(p(X)1p(X))=β0+β1X

What is this transformation called?

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Logistic Regression


  • Note: p(X) is shorthand for P(Y=1|X)
  • No matter what values β0, β1, or X take p(X) will always be between 0 and 1
  • We can rearrange this into the following form: log(p(X)1p(X))=β0+β1X

What is this transformation called?

  • This is a log odds or logit transformation of p(X)
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Linear versus logistic regression

Logistic regression ensures that our estimates for p(X) are between 0 and 1 🎉

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Maximum Likelihood

Refresher: How did we estimate ˆβ in linear regression?

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Maximum Likelihood

Refresher: How did we estimate (\hat\beta) in linear regression?

In logistic regression, we use maximum likelihood to estimate the parameters


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Maximum Likelihood

Refresher: How did we estimate (\hat\beta) in linear regression?

In logistic regression, we use maximum likelihood to estimate the parameters


  • This likelihood give the probability of the observed ones and zeros in the data
  • We pick β0 and β1 to maximize the likelihood
  • We'll let R do the heavy lifting here
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Let's see it in R

glm(default ~ balance, data = Default, family = "binomial") %>%
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## term estimate std.error statistic p.value
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) -10.7 0.361 -29.5 3.62e-191
## 2 balance 0.00550 0.000220 25.0 1.98e-137
  • Use the glm() function in R with the family = "binomial" argument
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Making predictions

What is our estimated probability of default for someone with a balance of $1000?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -10.6513306 0.3611574 -29.49221 0
balance 0.0054989 0.0002204 24.95309 0
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Making predictions

What is our estimated probability of default for someone with a balance of $1000?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -10.6513306 0.3611574 -29.49221 0
balance 0.0054989 0.0002204 24.95309 0


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Making predictions

What is our estimated probability of default for someone with a balance of $2000?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -10.6513306 0.3611574 -29.49221 0
balance 0.0054989 0.0002204 24.95309 0
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Making predictions

What is our estimated probability of default for someone with a balance of $2000?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -10.6513306 0.3611574 -29.49221 0
balance 0.0054989 0.0002204 24.95309 0


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Logistic regression example

Let's refit the model to predict the probability of default given the customer is a student

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -3.5041278 0.0707130 -49.554219 0.0000000
studentYes 0.4048871 0.1150188 3.520181 0.0004313

P(default = Yes|student = Yes)=e3.5041+0.4049×11+e3.5041+0.4049×1=0.0431

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Logistic regression example

Let's refit the model to predict the probability of default given the customer is a student

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -3.5041278 0.0707130 -49.554219 0.0000000
studentYes 0.4048871 0.1150188 3.520181 0.0004313

P(default = Yes|student = Yes)=e3.5041+0.4049×11+e3.5041+0.4049×1=0.0431

How will this change if student = No?

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Logistic regression example

Let's refit the model to predict the probability of default given the customer is a student

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -3.5041278 0.0707130 -49.554219 0.0000000
studentYes 0.4048871 0.1150188 3.520181 0.0004313

P(default = Yes|student = Yes)=e3.5041+0.4049×11+e3.5041+0.4049×1=0.0431

How will this change if student = No?

P(default = Yes|student = No)=e3.5041+0.4049×01+e3.5041+0.4049×0=0.0292

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Multiple logistic regression

log(p(X)1p(X))=β0+β1X1++βpXp p(X)=eβ0+β1X1++βpXp1+eβ0+β1X1++βpXp

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -10.8690452 0.4922555 -22.080088 0.0000000
balance 0.0057365 0.0002319 24.737563 0.0000000
income 0.0000030 0.0000082 0.369815 0.7115203
studentYes -0.6467758 0.2362525 -2.737646 0.0061881
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Multiple logistic regression

log(p(X)1p(X))=β0+β1X1++βpXp p(X)=eβ0+β1X1++βpXp1+eβ0+β1X1++βpXp

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -10.8690452 0.4922555 -22.080088 0.0000000
balance 0.0057365 0.0002319 24.737563 0.0000000
income 0.0000030 0.0000082 0.369815 0.7115203
studentYes -0.6467758 0.2362525 -2.737646 0.0061881
  • Why is the coefficient for student negative now when it was positive before?
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What is going on here?

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  • Students tend to have higher balances than non-students
    • Their marginal default rate is higher
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  • Students tend to have higher balances than non-students
    • Their marginal default rate is higher
  • For each level of balance, students default less
    • Their conditional default rate is lower
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Logistic regression for more than two classes

  • So far we've discussed binary outcome data
  • We can generalize this to situations with multiple classes


  • Here we have a linear function for each of the K classes
  • This is known as multinomial logistic regression
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Discriminant Analysis

  • Another way to model multiple classes 💡 Big idea:
  • Model the distribution of X in each class separately ( P(X|Y) )
  • Use Bayes theorem to flip things around to get P(Y|X)
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Bayes Theorem

What is Bayes theorem?

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Bayes Theorem

What is Bayes theorem?


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Bayes Theorem


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Bayes Theorem


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Bayes Theorem


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Bayes Theorem


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Bayes Theorem Example


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Bayes Theorem Example


  • Often when a test is created the sensitivity is calculated, that is the true positive rate, the P(+|Sick). Let's say in this case that is 99%
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Bayes Theorem Example


  • Often when a test is created the sensitivity is calculated, that is the true positive rate, the P(+|Sick). Let's say in this case that is 99%
  • Let's suppose the probability of a positive test if you are healthy is rare, 1%
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Bayes Theorem Example


  • Often when a test is created the sensitivity is calculated, that is the true positive rate, the P(+|Sick). Let's say in this case that is 99%
  • Let's suppose the probability of a positive test if you are healthy is rare, 1%
  • Finally, let's suppose the disease is fairly common, 20% of people in the population have it.
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Bayes Theorem Example


  • Often when a test is created the sensitivity is calculated, that is the true positive rate, the P(+|Sick). Let's say in this case that is 99%
  • Let's suppose the probability of a positive test if you are healthy is rare, 1%
  • Finally, let's suppose the disease is fairly common, 20% of people in the population have it.

    What is my probability of having the disease given I tested positive?

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Bayes Theorem Example


  • Often when a test is created the sensitivity is calculated, that is the true positive rate, the P(+|Sick). Let's say in this case that is 99%
  • Let's suppose the probability of a positive test if you are healthy is rare, 1%
  • Finally, let's suppose the disease is fairly common, 20% of people in the population have it.

What is my probability of having the disease given I tested positive?

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Bayes Theorem Example


  • Often when a test is created the sensitivity is calculated, that is the true positive rate, the P(+|Sick). Let's say in this case that is 99%
  • Let's suppose the probability of a positive test if you are healthy is rare, 1%
  • If the disease is rare (let's say 0.1% have it) how does that change my probability of having it given a positive test?

What is my probability of having the disease given I tested positive?

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Bayes Theorem Example


  • Often when a test is created the sensitivity is calculated, that is the true positive rate, the P(+|Sick). Let's say in this case that is 99%
  • Let's suppose the probability of a positive test if you are healthy is rare, 1%
  • If the disease is rare (let's say 0.1% have it) how does that change my probability of having it given a positive test?

What is my probability of having the disease given I tested positive?

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Bayes Theorem and Discriminant Analysis


This same equation is used for discriminant analysis with slightly different notation:

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Bayes Theorem and Discriminant Analysis


This same equation is used for discriminant analysis with slightly different notation: P(Y|X)=πkfk(x)Kl=1fl(x)

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Bayes Theorem and Discriminant Analysis


This same equation is used for discriminant analysis with slightly different notation: P(Y|X)=πkfk(x)Kl=1fl(x)

  • fk(x)=P(X|Y) is the density for X in class k
    • For linear discriminant analysis we will use the normal distribution to represent this density
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Bayes Theorem and Discriminant Analysis


This same equation is used for discriminant analysis with slightly different notation: P(Y|X)=πkfk(x)Kl=1fl(x)

  • fk(x)=P(X|Y) is the density for X in class k
    • For linear discriminant analysis we will use the normal distribution to represent this density
  • πk=P(Y) is the marginal or prior probability for class k
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Discriminant analysis

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Discriminant analysis

  • Here there are two classes
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Discriminant analysis

  • Here there are two classes
  • We classify new points based on which density is highest
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Discriminant analysis

  • Here there are two classes
  • We classify new points based on which density is highest
  • On the left, the priors for the two classes are the same
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Discriminant analysis

  • Here there are two classes
  • We classify new points based on which density is highest
  • On the left, the priors for the two classes are the same
  • On the right, we favor the orange class, making the decision boundary shift to the left
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Why discriminant analysis?

  • When the classes are well separated, logistic regression is unstable, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is not
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Why discriminant analysis?

  • When the classes are well separated, logistic regression is unstable, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is not
  • When n is small and the distribution of predictors ( X ) is approximately normal in each class, the linear discriminant model is more stable than the logistic model
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Why discriminant analysis?

  • When the classes are well separated, logistic regression is unstable, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is not
  • When n is small and the distribution of predictors ( X ) is approximately normal in each class, the linear discriminant model is more stable than the logistic model
  • When we have more than 2 classes, LDA also provides a nice low dimensional way to visualize data
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Linear Discriminant Analysis p = 1

The density for the normal distribution is


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Linear Discriminant Analysis p = 1

The density for the normal distribution is


  • μk is the mean in class k
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Linear Discriminant Analysis p = 1

The density for the normal distribution is


  • μk is the mean in class k
  • σ2k is the variance k (We will assume σk=σ are the same for all classes)
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Linear Discriminant Analysis p = 1

The density for the normal distribution is


  • We can plug this into Bayes formula


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Linear Discriminant Analysis p = 1

The density for the normal distribution is


  • We can plug this into Bayes formula


😅 Luckily things cancel!

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Discriminant functions

  • To classify an observation where X=x we need to determine which of the pk(x) is the largest
  • It turns out this is equivalent to assigning x to the class with the largest discriminant score


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Discriminant functions

  • To classify an observation where X=x we need to determine which of the pk(x) is the largest
  • It turns out this is equivalent to assigning x to the class with the largest discriminant score


  • This discriminant score , δk(x), is a function of pk(x) (we took some logs and discarded terms that don't include k)
  • δk(x) is a linear function of x
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Discriminant functions

  • To classify an observation where X=x we need to determine which of the pk(x) is the largest
  • It turns out this is equivalent to assigning x to the class with the largest discriminant score


  • This discriminant score , δk(x), is a function of pk(x) (we took some logs and discarded terms that don't include k)
  • δk(x) is a linear function of x

If K=2, how do you think we would calculate the decision boundary?

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Discriminant functions


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Discriminant functions


  • Let's set π1=π2=0.5
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Discriminant functions


  • Let's set π1=π2=0.5


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☝️ Reminders

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