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Dr. D’Agostino McGowan

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RStudio Cloud Update

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Make sure to bring a calculator to the exam on Thursday

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📖 Canvas

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Office Hours this week:

  • Wednesday 10a
  • Wednesday 2p
  • Thursday 10a
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mpg weight automatic
21 2.6 1
22.8 2.32 1
18.7 3.4 0
14.3 3.5 0
24.4 3.1 0

You want to predict mpg using weight and automatic. Write out how you would calculate β^ in matrix form using the data provided (you need not solve the matrices)

6 / 15
mpg weight automatic
21 2.6 1
22.8 2.32 1
18.7 3.4 0
14.3 3.5 0
24.4 3.1 0

Solving the equation results in the following β^:


Using the information provided, calculate the MSE (mean squared error) for this model.

7 / 15
mpg weight automatic
21 2.6 1
22.8 2.32 1
18.7 3.4 0
14.3 3.5 0
24.4 3.1 0


Above is the hat matrix for the model. Use this to calculate LOOCV error for this model

8 / 15
mpg weight automatic
15 3.8 0
30.3 1.9 1
40.9 1.5 1
20.1 3.4 0
26 2.1 1

You get a new test data set (above). Using the same model you fit to the training data, calculate the MSE in this test dataset

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class x
1 -0.57
1 -1.26
1 1.13
2 3.3
2 5.4

Using the data above, calculate πk, μk, and σ2

10 / 15
class x
1 -0.57
1 -1.26
1 1.13
2 3.3
2 5.4

Using LDA, what is are the discrimant scores for x = 3? Which class would you classify this point into?

11 / 15
class x
1 -0.57
1 -1.26
1 1.13
2 3.3
2 5.4

What is the probability that an observation where x = 3 is in class 1?

12 / 15
class x
1 -0.57
1 -1.26
1 1.13
2 3.3
2 5.4

What is the decision boundary for this LDA problem?

13 / 15

P(+ | Drug User) = 0.8

P(Drug User) = 0.1

P(+ | Not a drug user) = 0.2

  • What is the probability of being a drug user give you test positive?
14 / 15
Truth (+) Truth (-) total
Predicted (+) 10 20 30
Predicted (-) 5 50 55
Total 15 70 85
  • What is the accuracy?
  • What is the false positive rate?
  • What is the false negative rate?
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RStudio Cloud Update

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