class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Plotting Decision trees ### Dr. D’Agostino McGowan --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span> Dr. Lucy D'Agostino McGowan </span> </div> --- class: center, middle
## 📖 Take 06 Assessment in Canvas --- ## Plotting decision trees There are several R packages that assist with tree plotting * `rpart.plot` * `partykit` * `rattle` --- ## Where to find out more about packages 1. Vignettes 2. Journal Article (R Journal is great) 3. Rstudio Community 4. StackOverflow 5. Twitter --- class: inverse
## <i class="fas fa-laptop"></i> `Learn about partykit` Google `partykit` to find out how more about it (hint: use key words like `rstats` and `decision tree plots`) --- ## `rpart.plot` We're going to focus on `rpart.plot`, but feel free to try the others! -- ```r install.packages("rpart.plot") ``` -- ```r library(rpart.plot) ``` --- ## `rpart.plot` .small[ ```r tree_spec <- decision_tree( cost_complexity = 0.1, tree_depth = 10, mode = "regression") %>% set_engine("rpart") model <- fit(tree_spec, Salary ~ Hits + Years + PutOuts + RBI + Walks + Runs, data = baseball) ``` ] -- ```r rpart.plot(model$fit, roundint = FALSE) ``` --- ## `rpart.plot` .small[ ```r tree_spec <- decision_tree( cost_complexity = 0.1, tree_depth = 10, mode = "regression") %>% set_engine("rpart") model <- fit(tree_spec, Salary ~ Hits + Years + PutOuts + RBI + Walks + Runs, data = baseball) ``` ] ```r *rpart.plot(model$fit, roundint = FALSE) ``` --- ## `rpart.plot` .small[ ```r tree_spec <- decision_tree( cost_complexity = 0.1, tree_depth = 10, mode = "regression") %>% set_engine("rpart") model <- fit(tree_spec, Salary ~ Hits + Years + PutOuts + RBI + Walks + Runs, data = baseball) ``` ] ```r rpart.plot(model$fit, * roundint = FALSE) ``` --- ## `rpart.plot` ```r rpart.plot(model$fit, * roundint = FALSE) ``` ![](17-decision-tree-plot_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png)<!-- --> --- class: inverse
## <i class="fas fa-laptop"></i> `AE 05 - Regression trees` 1. Open your application exercise (05) from last week 2. Install `rpart.plot` 3. Create a plot from your final decision tree 3. Knit, Commit, Push. Be sure to have the final results pushed to GitHub by **April 8 at noon**